July 15, 2020
What’s your favourite quote in times like these?
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light.” Albus Dumbledore
What is something positive that you have learned from the current challenge?
Working from home and spending a lot more time with the family has been an enjoyable experience. It has certainly made us closer as a family and if anything a more productive working environment.
How have you been motivating yourself during this crisis?
Maintaining a regular work schedule, weekly social catch up with work team, enjoying the lovely food delivery that has become available and board games with the family.
What’s a new habit that you have picked up – apart from “Social Distancing?“
I have taken up road cycling and loved it so have now cancelled my gym membership to invest in a new road bike.
What particularly impresses you at the moment?
The way Singapore has dealt with the crisis has been impressive and amazing to see how the population understand and support actions that may be restrictive but they see as for the good of the entire society and therefore comply.