What are distribution industries?
What is the distribution industry?
The distribution industry is an essential link in the supply chain, connecting manufacturing companies and suppliers with various businesses, contractors, institutions, retailers, and now increasingly consumers. Distribution industries focus on making a wide range of diverse products available through a variety of channels and methods. Many also offer value-add services to differentiate themselves and provide additional value to their customers.
What are some types of distribution?
There are a handful of different distribution methods, such as direct selling, dual or multi-channel distribution, intermediary distribution, and reverse logistics (e.g. processing returns). Whatever the specific strategy or logistics involved, the primary goal is taking possession of goods being produced and delivering them to the purchasers as efficiently as possible.
Distribution industry examples
Each micro-vertical or sector has distinct challenges and nuances, such as those involved in the distribution of food and beverages, professional trade, industrial supplies, equipment and fashion.