June 18, 2020
What’s your favourite quote in times like these?
“Alles sal reg kom” which is south-African for “all will be alright”
What is something positive that you have learned from the current challenge?
In 35 year’s of being in a relationship, we have never been so long non-stop together. We did not break out into fights and our relationship is even stronger. That sounds promising for when I am retired!
How have you been motivating yourself during this crisis?
Physical activity, like running or bicycling. But also to tell myself that I am lucky as the situation could have been a lot worse.
What’s a new habit that you have picked up – apart from “Social Distancing?“
I picked up reading books again, which I have not really done in a very long time.
What particularly impresses you at the moment?
I have deepest respect for all the front troops during the lockdown, like healthcare, pharmacies, supermarkets, who kept the country going. Next to that, the resilience and creativity of people to make the best out of it during and after lockdown.