March 9, 2022
By Delmar Dehn, Senior Product Manager
In the video below, Tonia Williamson, Senior Principal Learning Consultant, Infor, explores using Web Configuration Console’s change management functionality known as Landmark Pattern Language (LPL) version analysis. She explains that LPL version analysis is a feature to help you manage changes in your Infor Landmark applications so that you can determine if your configuration is still needed or if you need to merge in a new feature. Tonia describes the LPL version analysis features including the analysis view which only includes impacted configurations based on changes made in the Infor Landmark applications’ updates and your configuration. She provides a change management business scenario to use the LPL version analysis feature’s application to application version comparison and application version to configuration comparison capabilities to identify changes. Tonia demonstrates how to make changes or updates to your configurations based on your analysis using the comparison edit inline view and the comparison edit view. Tonia concludes by recommending pertinent Infor Education training courses. Be sure to watch for future Web Configuration Console videos.
If you’d like to learn more about Web Configuration Console or schedule a demonstration, then please contact your Infor Client Account Executive or contact us any time.
More posts on the Web Configuration Console can be found here.