Cash & Treasury Management Best Practices: 2022
CeFPro®, in partnership with Infor®, conducted a detailed research study to review the current state of affairs in cash and treasury management within North American financial institutions. The survey looked to examine treasury banking systems within financial systems, with a particular focus on: Treasury Management Systems (TMS) maturity; intraday liquidity monitoring; and core financials maturity. The results of the research have been separated into these sections, demonstrating the status of the industry and where best practice can be developed.
The basis for the survey was the acceleration of digital and mobile commerce as a result of recent global events and the resulting changes in consumer expectations. With the Federal Reserve implementing instant (near real-time) payments to modernize the US payment system, treasury systems face varying degrees of disruption. As organizations look to increase efficiencies and revolutionize payment structures, the use of technology and automation is more important than ever to align systems and processes and reduce manual intervention.