3 Vital Steps For Getting the Most out of Your Live SunSystems Demo

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May 6, 2021

If you're considering bringing Infor SunSystems on board, it is almost always recommended that you first go through a live demo of the product before making a final decision.

Live software demos are a great way to get a better understanding of prospective business software and see for yourself if the product is right for your organisation.

However, many people go into live demo sessions as passive participants and, as a result, end up not getting much value out of them.

So if you’re looking at SunSystems as your next possible financial management system, how can you make the most of your live demonstration?

You have to think beyond the software itself and focus more on the activities that come before, during, and after the demo.

Before the demo: Identify and communicate your requirements

Before going in for a demo, it is important that you first create your list of requirements. It's about assessing your current system to identify issues, needs, and gaps that need to be filled.

This is also the best time to identify your goals and the specific modules or features that can help you reach them.  

By identifying your most important needs beforehand, your key goals with the new software, and what you need in the new system, you'd be in a position to get your demo provider to focus their attention on what's most essential to your organisation during the demo.

The next step is to loop in your implementation partner so you can both be on the same page about what you want. Discovery calls work great for this.

For salespeople, a discovery call is generally an essential part of the lead qualification process. But as a prospective product user, you can also take advantage of it to improve your demo experience.

So before jumping into the actual demo, schedule a discovery call with the sales consultant to discuss your business goals, requirements, and so on.

During the demo: Follow a process script

The best demos do not follow a one-size-fits-all approach; they're tailored to your organisation. And because your organisation is unique, your demo ought to reflect that.

Given the chance, consultants will always talk about the features or aspects of SunSystems that they like the most. This may not be the best way to address your most important requirements.

To avoid this, you can create a script — based on the requirements you identified earlier — for the processes you’d like the demo leader to cover in their presentation.

This helps you to steer the demo in a way that supports a tailored experience and ultimately provides what's best for your organisation.

Post demo: Debrief after the demo

Once the demo is over, it is recommended that you take some time (20 minutes to an hour is ideal) for team members to discuss their impressions and scrutinise the solution.

This can help bring out aspects of the presentation other team members might have missed and create a platform to hash out any issues or details they noticed.

It’s best to do this immediately after the demo. As you debrief, you’ll be able to determine your next steps, such as requesting a second demo or moving forward with implementation.


An effective SunSystems demonstration does not always start and end with the actual demo itself — you must think about activities that come before, during, and after the demo.

If you do a good job at identifying your needs, communicating the same to the seller, and creating an overview of what you want to go through during the demonstration, your demo experience will be much more worthwhile.

If you’re looking for a tailored SunSystems demo, speak with FinanSys who can assess your needs.

About the author

Josh Dalton is the Sales and Marketing Director at FinanSys, a dedicated provider of Infor SunSystems. As an Infor Gold Channel Partner, FinanSys has a financial management solution for every business, backed by 20+ years of experience. Get in touch with them for SunSystems implementation, training, configuration and support.

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