Watch: Why Are Modern-Day Supply Chains So Inefficient?

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Watch a insightful 13 mins interview about why supply chain inefficiencies persist, and what can be done


Despite years of talk about the need for digitizing supply chains, there are still a lot of manual processes and paper being used to manage orders, Key data is still being shared internally and with outside partners via e-mail, phone and spreadsheets. In addition, the proliferation of information systems that manage a supply chain, including planning and transportation applications, leads to a siloed approach to storing, using and transmitting data.

The answer would seem to lie in automation. But the goal is to automate in such a way that order data is accessible in one place by all parties, in an end-to-end supply chain.

Watch the full 13 mins interview from Supply Chain Brain with John Gularson, general manager of Infor Nexus and Heidi Benko, vice president of product marketing and strategy of Infor Nexus.

Why Are Modern Day Supply Chains So
  Inefficient Infor Nexus perpsective interview English 1920x1080px

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