August 28, 2020
Business challenge
Managing employee time-off is fundamental to tracking time and attendance, but in the age of the coronavirus, an effective leave management process is more important than ever. Businesses need to know if the reason that an employee has requested time-off is health-related so that decisions can be made based on the well-being and safety of the employee and their co-workers.
How can Infor WFM help?
Using Infor WFM, you can easily create a COVID-related time-off type that employees can choose when submitting their request. You can also track any COVID-related sick balances separately from existing paid sick time.
How it works
Infor WFM Time-off Planner allows you to define an unlimited number of time-off types. Creating a new type to isolate suspected or confirmed COVID-related absences is the fastest way for your organization to identify absences related to the coronavirus. You can also define a unique paid sick balance if your organization tracks COVID-related sick time separately from other sick time. (For a detailed look at creating new balances, read this blog that explains how it works.)
Detailed configuration
Follow these steps to easily implement a new COVID-specific paid sick time-off type:
- Login as an administrator
- Navigate to Maintenance > Balance and Accruals >Time Off Type Setup (just an FYI: if you’ve configured your menu structure, this page might be in a different spot.)
- Click the ‘Create New Entry’ button
- Once you’re presented with the time-off type entry form, enter in the name of your new time-off type (we used SICK – COVID-19 in our example below), and define any other attributes you want to use to control how people take the time-off. We recommend the configuration below, but every organization is different, so decide what’s right for you.
Note that in the example below, we’ve created two separate reason codes. You might also want to create one for “COVID-19 testing appointment” – it’s up to you and the level of granularity you want to use to track the time-off. If the time-off type alone is sufficient, no problem – just leave the reasons empty (and be sure to uncheck the ‘reason required’ flag).
Once you have set it up, your employees can select the new time-off type when they submit a new request. Routing, notification, and approval process remains the same.
But remember – your organization’s work isn’t finished just because you enabled your employees to take sick leave. Contact tracing is a key component of identifying others who might have been exposed to the virus and are at risk of spreading it others. If one of your employees has called in sick with a suspected coronavirus case, you’ll want to quickly identify others who may have been in contact with that employee.
For more information on how Infor WFM can help with contact tracing, click here.