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Addressing the challenges of NSW DPIE planning reform

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Addressing the challenges of NSW DPIE planning reform


NSW planning reforms will improve the customer experience, drive greater transparency and efficiency, and connect community, industry and government. With many NSW councils already piloting the online DA process, there’s no doubt NSW is well poised to deliver the simplest, and most effective planning system in Australia. But as with any step toward becoming a digitally mature public sector, and with online mandates coming into effect for all NSW councils at the end of 2020, the reforms also bring technology and process challenges. Implementing the requirements mandated by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) calls for an overhaul on process, and an unprecedented level of integration between community, council, and state. In this brochure, we’ll look at the value the planning reforms bring, the impact to council processes and technology architecture, and the integration path forward with Infor® OS (Operating Services). As a digital cloud gateway, the Infor OS platform will allow integration, collaboration, extensibility, and innovation—making it seamless and easy to adopt new mandates into existing property and rating solutions.

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