Realiti Intraday Liquidity Management

Gain real-time visibility for intraday liquidity
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Get intraday liquidity monitoring under control

Realiti® is the only liquidity management software on the market with the proven ability to manage intraday cash and liquidity in real time. Realiti’s suite includes insight and analytics modules that bring together a deep knowledge of the financial industry, intraday expertise, and an innovative regulatory compliance management system in one modern software solution.

Overcome challenges in intraday liquidity management

Realiti® comprises a suite of liquidity management modules that provide organisations with real-time insight and analytics. With Realiti, organisations gain greater visibility and control, so they can oversee all intraday activity and guidance for maintaining compliance with current and emerging regulatory requirements.

The only software on the market proven to manage intraday cash and liquidity in real time

Funding cost reduction

Financial observers have seen annual benefits (in both short and long positions) ranging from thousands to millions of dollars.

Reducing cost of accessing credit

Lowering amounts of intraday liquidity used, even only by 10–20%, can provide annual benefits in the millions.

Better buffered cash management

By proving to regulators tighter liquidity control, your liquidity buffers can be reduced.

Improving efficiency

Your teams’ resources spent developing extracts and endless spreadsheets can be shifted, deciding what to do instead of determining what is going on.

Ensuring regulatory compliance

Improved relationships with primary and national regulators, illustrating an efficient and compliant business, can reduce future regulatory scrutiny.

Optimising globally and locally

Global insight over minute-by-minute balances enables organisations operating across international markets to adopt more flexible locational support.

Address real-time intraday data challenges

Leveraging standard banking industry messaging platforms and networks, Realiti captures data in structured messages to build a picture of every settlement account balance, every minute of every day. This provides visibility across direct clearing accounts and correspondent bank nostros.

  • Comprehensive visibility of your organisation's settlement activity across all its accounts
  • Balances, turnover, and transactions are stored, aggregated, and analysed every minute of every day to give real-time intraday insight
  • Scalable journey with modular and flexible intraday control solutions, enabling you to decide which modules to take and when

Leverage accurate data for analysis

Realiti’s core platform runs on an engine that consumes and intelligently transforms transactional messages from external account providers in real time via existing financial industry infrastructures, as well as internal systems across front, middle, and back offices.

  • Real-time intraday balance of one or more nostros over a selected time period
  • Granular insight into the particular transactions that make up summary balance, turnover, and credit figures
  • Pivot views can be used to look at historical data at a point in time or run in “live refresh” mode so that the latest view of the data is available

Support compliance and global regulatory monitoring

Realiti is regularly refreshed to keep pace with evolving regulator demands and reporting guidelines related to intraday activity across the world, including: BCBS248, UK PRA intraday regime, USA Fed, Canadian OSFI, and extended for new requirements as released.

  • Maintain compliance with existing and emerging regulatory requirements
  • Templates provided for your published regulatory reports that are continually updated to reflect global regulatory changes
  • BCBS248, PRA, OSFI, Fed and others

Predictive analytics and machine learning

Machine learning uses historical transactions to predict settlement times and probability of failure. Intraday forecasts provide early warning of issues and peaks in intraday liquidity usage.

  • Delivers detailed analytics and forecasts of end-of-day projections
  • Real-time auto-matching capabilities to link together external confirmations from account providers with internal projected ledger bookings
  • Machine learning uses historical transactions to identify factors driving settlement times and probability of failure

Scalable, proven intraday liquidity monitoring

Realiti empowers progressive organisations across the financial services industry, banks, and global corporates to oversee intraday activity and guidance, while maintaining compliance.



reduction in operating costs
reduction in funding costs
reduction in credit line costs

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