Tracking Health Checks with Infor Workforce Management

back to work office

August 24, 2020

Business Challenge

Per the CDC and some State Government recommendations employers are now required to perform health checks for their employees returning to work. Organizations need a way to stay
compliant with government regulations/recommendations.

How can Infor WFM Help?

Track your employees’ most recent health check dates via configured maintenance forms on the employee record. You can also configure alerts to be notified of approaching renewal dates.

How it Works

While there are different ways to configure for this requirement, leveraging the skills table along with additional maintenance forms, you can assign date-stamped health check certifications to employees. By assigning end dates to the health check certifications, the system can
automatically provide proactive alerts for when employees need updated checks. If you are requiring a visual symptom check or taking an employees’ temperature on their way into work, or even requiring your employees to take a state-mandated health test, Infor WFM can help you document and track your employee health check information.

Detailed Configuration

Create New Healthcheck Skills/Certifications

  1. Login as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Maintenance>Employees>Skills
  3. Select Create New Entry
  4. Create New Skills that are related to the Required Health Checks, such as Temperature, Symptoms, State, etc.
    1. Type in Skill and Description
    2. Select Skill Type from DBLookup
    3. Select Check Box for Stskl Sched Related
    4. Select Save
    5. Turn on Config Mode
    6. Select: Localize: STSKL_FLAG1 Icon
      1. Field UI: CheckboxUI
      2. Caption: Healthcheck
      3. Local: English

      4. Select: Save
      5. Close out of STSJL_FLAG1 Config Popup
      6. Turn off Config Mode
    1. Select the Healthcheck box next to the new Health Check Certification you created
    2. Repeat process for any Health Checks that are required
      1. Only need to complete config mode steps 5 and 6 the first time

Create New "Employee Healthcheck" maintenance form based on the skills table

  1. Logged in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Maintenance>System Administration>Maintenance Forms
  3. Select Create New Entry
    1. Use the Skills Maintenance Form as the template to copy information from
  4. Create Healthcheck maintenance form
    1. Form Name: Employee Healthchecks
  5. Description: Employee Healthchecks
  6. Table: ST_SKILL
  7. Keyfield: STSKL_ID
  8. Form Type: Maintenance
  9. Menu Parent: Header
  10. JSP: /maintenance/mntForms.jsp
  12. JSP Parameter: [NEW]=TRUE~[EDT]=BTN~[DEL]=TRUE
  13. Mfshead Id: Employee Administration
  14. Find Show: Check Mark
  15. Find Search All: Check Mark
  16. Mfrm Angular : N
  17. Once all information is entered select Save
  18. Scroll to the MFRM Data Localization section to update the name of the form if needed

Create new “Healthcheck” child maintenance form on the employee record

  1. Logged in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Maintenance>System Administration>Maintenance Forms
  3. Select Create New Entry
    1. Use the Employee Skills Maintenance Form as the template to copy information from
  4. Create Employee Healthchecks child maintenance form
    1. Form Name: Employee Healthchecks Child
  5. Description: Employee Healthchecks Child
  6. Table: ST_EMP_SKILL
  7. Keyfield: STEMPSKL_ID
  8. Form Type: Maintenance
  9. Parent Key: EMP_ID
  10. Parent Form: Employee
  11. Menu Parent: Hidden Never Show
  12. JSP: /maintenance/mntForms.jsp
  14. JSP Parameter: [NEW]=TRUE~[EDT]=BTN~[DEL]=TRUE
  15. Mfshead Id: Employee Administration
  16. Find Show: Check Mark
  17. Find Search All: Check Mark
  18. Mfrm Angular : N
  19. Once all information is entered select Save
  20. Scroll to the MFRM Data Localization section to update the name of the form if needed

Assign Required Healthcheck Certification to Employees

  1. Logged in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Maintenance>Employees>Employee
  3. Search for employee to add the health check skill/certification to
  4. Select Edit next to the employee name
  5. Scroll to the Employee Healthchecks section
  6. Select the new row icon
  7. Use DBLookup to assign the required health check certification
  8. Add the dates of last health check (start date) and next health check due date (end date)
  9. Select Save
  10. Repeat steps 6-9 for all required health checks for that employee
  11. Turn on Config Mode
  12. Select the Localize: STEMPSKL_FLAG1 Icon
    1. Define Field UI as Checkbox UI
    2. Update Caption to: Safe to Work
    3. Select Save

  13. Turn off Config mode
  14. Clear Cache
  15. Select the check box for all of that specific employee’s health checks that have been completed and represent that they are safe to work

  16. Repeat steps: 3-10 and 15 for all remaining employees

Note: alternatively, this information can also be interfaced using the Generic Table Import interface type. 

For more examples on how to configure Employee Skills/Certifications, Employee Defined Flags and Maintenance Forms in WFM, please consult the Implementation and Administration Guide. If you need a copy, it can be found on

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