July 10, 2020
What’s your favourite quote in times like these?
When all the dust is settled and all the crowds are gone, the things that matter are family and friends.
What is something positive that you have learned from the current challenge?
Hospitality is full of creative entrepreneurs - I have been so impressed by how operators have risen to the challenges.
How have you been motivating yourself during this crisis?
HOSPA has been super busy - reacting to members’ questions and delivering regular blogs and weekly webinars. I have been motivated and inspired by the support from the industry.
What is a new habit that you have picked up – apart from “Social Distancing?“
Walking a lot more. We have found beautiful places that we didn’t know existed within walking distance of the house!
What particularly impresses you at the moment?
My children’s adaptability and acceptance!
For more information about our solutions for hotels, like web-based check in and check out, please click here.